I don’t know what I was thinking.
I had been staring at this sewing machine for about a year now. I kept promising myself as each week passed that this is the weekend that I’m going to learn to use this sewing machine. Yet, it remained in the box.
I just didn’t feel motivated to do anything with it. Why bother getting into all those settings? That’s just a lot of work for little return! I didn’t lack excuses.
So what do you do when you don’t feel motivated? You overwhelm yourself with a huge project! *crickets chirp*
I thought this project would be easy.
I’ll buy a sewing pattern of a coat with tails to make my husband for our trip to The Labyrinth Masquerade Ball in Atlanta, GA. I mean, I watched my grandmother sew with patterns as a kid and I even operated her sewing machine with her a few times. I got this.

After buying the pattern, the fabric, and a new pair of scissors, I came home excited, ready to dig in. As I unfolded all the pattern pieces, I immediately felt like Gob Bluth from Arrested Development.

As I’m already seeing this idea ending in failure, I think back to all the times I wish I had paid more attention to my grandmother’s handiwork. After a long sigh, I start cutting out the pieces and googling things like “darts” and “seam allowances.” Thank heavens for Google.
The next weekend, I spend an entire day pinning and cutting fabric. As I’m doing this, I’m catching mistakes (some a little late), but press on. Finally, pieces are extracted and I stare hard at the sewing machine.
I’ve sewn many things with a needle. I even use fabric glue. This sewing machine, however, just mocked and intimidated me. Before you sympathize with me, this is a “Sew E-Z” sewing machine. A whopping $30 investment. Hardly a threat. *gulp*

With this special day less than a month away, I had to just suck it up and give it shot. So, after reading the directions thoroughly and threading the machine carefully, I push down the pedal.
I learned two things that day.
- Don’t let fear hold you back from trying.
- Mistakes can often be erased, removed, or ripped out.
I’m almost halfway done with the jacket and my dress modifications now, and my confidence level is soaring. I don’t expect to be on Project Runway, but I am at least less fearful of a wardrobe malfunction!